February 13, 2008

Part 2: Celebration

The last quarter of 2007, i've been attending a few celebrations and below are some of the worth metioning, (WHY!, read the rest)...

"My Workplace's Annual Carnival: Me Dancing in front of More than 2 Thousand People"
"I'm One of the 3 MCs for the Event As Well"
"KKC Early Xmas Dinner at Tao, Auto City"
"KKC Xmas Dinner at Kirishima, Penang"
"Money Spent on Kids"

Besides my usual job at my workplace, i'm also one of the many part time MC for my company. That means, if there's any event going on, chances of me being selected to become a MC is.... errrr...HIGH. When i joined, i was somehow being given this task (unwillingly). It started off with a small crowd of less than 100 people at the cafeteria, then it increses to less than 200 at the learning center, then to about 500 at a cost reduction function, and recently at the company's carnival, bukit merah, more than 2000 people.

Come to think of it, it's really nice of them to give me such a task, never thought i could overcome a small crowd furthermore thousands.....all i can say know is BRING IT ON

For the Xmas outing, we had 2 different dinners to cater for everyone and being the active ones, i attended both, and exchanged presents 2 times, then party at SS and sing K.....

Then on Xnas morning itself, i presented presents to my niece and her cousin. Well, this is the first time i bought presents for kids after 25 years..... 'WINK'

Final Verdict: I had fun, everyone did, money well spent...


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