Visit Malaysia Year (VMY) 2007 (Part 1)
A week ago, i was telling myself, how about travelling to other part of the states since it's VMY. Well, for one, i'm already in Penang, so, somehow i've contributed A LOT to the state. Hmm, how about other states? So, the journey began........
"Visit Malysia Year= Local Have to Act Nice for a Whole Year...Pity"
I was at Cameron Highlands over the weekend for a day trip. Didn't visit much places as there's nothing much to do except......err...anyway, there's nothing to do. OK, i admit driving there and back was fun...haha.
"Tiger Strawberry Juice.....Bloody Sour @#$%^&*"
"Strawberries as Dessert in a Chinese Restaurant, isn't that Cool Compare to Papaya, Honey Dew & Watermelon"
Continue in next entry..........
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