August 03, 2007

Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da Da

OK, i admit the 2D Simpsons Movie was entertaining, though all the jokes were the usual ones that we've seen, heard or even performed before. So what, if it's a stupid movie, you only need to pay RM8 and you get one hour plus of laughter non stop.
I'm never a simpsons fan, in fact i've never properly watch a complete simpsons show before. The only good thing i did was to finished up the whole simpsons game in my gameboy last time. Hereby, here's a few tips, if you wish to watch this movie:-
  1. Watch it on a Monday after work when you feel that the world has no sense of humour
  2. Wear the simpsons shirt that can be found at the bossini shop now (not that expensive though) and be proud about it
  3. Always munch and gulp the popcorn fast or else the one sitting infront of you will have never ending corns on his/ her head.
  4. You have to remember the song: Spider Pig, (Lets sing togehter) "spider pig, spider pig, does whatever, a spider pig does, can he swing from a web, no he can't, he's a pig, look out.................. he is a spider pig"

Final Verdict: I LOVE FRIDAY, my working initiative is only 2%, 1% for staying awake until 4pm and the final percentage is for taking my time to blog here


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