Mini Me

Recently i found out that Nikko RC has some new line up which are 'Squeeze Up' japanese sports car. i really like the Nissan Skyline (above pic) very much since i'm an avid collector of skyline die cast. but to think of it, after paying RM110 or RM140, i'm not sure, would i be fully utilizing it. Hmm, maybe i can just put a box on top of it and radio it all the way to the kitchen and ask someone to drop me an instant noodle (readily cook of course) and then drive back to my room. now that would jutify my money well paid then.
Then i received some forward mail which consist of cars which are all photoshopped to smart4two version, eg, like the beemer above. doesn't that look like the mini me skyline by nikko? i don't mind driving such version of a skyline around town as it will be cool.
Final Verdict:- Can Nissan produce such 'compact' skyline thus making the price 'compact' for me to afford one real thing?
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