August 22, 2006

Hell of a weekend!

Last weekend, i was back at my hometown, as usual, enjoying my happy times over the past 3 days, went to the same shopping centre for 4 times in 3 days, hahaha, so sick of me, 4 times in 3 days, u must be asking what can be done there, answer is:- NOTHING, i'm sick of the same shops and same sales promoters who worked full day on the 3 days.

the one that was really exciting was, i nearly got myself into an accident after my dad's trust worthy mpv throttle body was spoilt, i was driving and my uncle beside me, when i wanted to stop, but cannot feel the brake and i was nearing that cab in front of me, and the rpm suddenly shoots up to 6k, imagine the engine suddenly rev up to 6k, dat's like i'm driving 180kph on a normal road and kenot brake in time wif the cab less than 50 meter infront me, WHAT ELSE, with my quick reflexes, i shited the D to N and press the brake which still feels spongy and it stop just in time, luckily by shifting to N it disengages the fuel and accelaration thus the RPM drops just in time to stop. GOSH, tell you wat, that experience was priceless.

ok after that, i knew immediately something was wrong, but my uncle insisted that i press the wrong peddle moments ago, NO WAY. then the same incident happened again when i wanna park it, and i did the same thing. anyway, it was throttle body problem and thank god we are saved


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